Patricia Hassey (Allard)

Patricia Hassey (Allard)
Art/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Treat's by S.Dueth...watercolor's..

Patricia Hassey (allard)..presents "halloween treat's"by very very "edgy"...these and i encourage you to enlarge these..when you do..the intracate details of her work just fly out at you..I know its "halloween"..but ..not limited to..a true collector of great art...will always find a place in their it :nook,framed and added to bookcase collection as a "break" in the visual...,children's rooms..,entry to hallway each year on halloween., with me..other than the "Ho ho ho "merry christmas" santa"...i would actually put with a collection..and reason's being..i love the cats, the teddy bear's, the dress up..its "whimsey at it's finest"...if you have creativity..and imagination..and always remember to as i alway's say..."it's your home...decorate for you" wonderful would these look..framed in distressed..sitting along a shelf with your "ivy, your potted plants.."..perfect.*(originals..1500usd each/signed, prints to 10 only signed and dated by artist, )contact:patriciahassey1gmail

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