Patricia Hassey (Allard)

Patricia Hassey (Allard)
Art/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: 911"when words are never enough"(sarah dueth artis...

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: 911"when words are never enough"(sarah dueth artis...: 4 plane's,4 location's.Respectfully, in memory of those whom perished,those whom survived, those whom have suffered, those whom have saved, ...

911"when words are never enough"(sarah dueth artist)

4 plane's,4 location's.Respectfully, in memory of those whom perished,those whom survived, those whom have suffered, those whom have saved, those whom have given some and all..Words are never enough to honor all....
With  Respect this painting reflects an image seen all over the world, of small children with parents at candlelight vigils, now are grown..once where so small, not understanding grown with us..and still why?...
We honor all in this small way, as we are all forever changed, we never will forget, in a small way, silent, peacefull way...a candle shines for each today.(Artist Sarah Dueth)...(contact Patricia Hassey Allard)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911""When words are never enough"(artist Sarah Du...

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911""When words are never enough"(artist Sarah Du...: 4 plane's,4 location's.Respectfully, in memory of those whom perished,those whom survived, those whom have suffered, those whom have saved, ...

"911""When words are never enough"(artist Sarah Dueth/rep Patricia Hassey Allard

4 plane's,4 location's.Respectfully, in memory of those whom perished,those whom survived, those whom have suffered, those whom have saved, those whom have given some and all..Words are never enough to honor all....
With  Respect this painting reflects an image seen all over the world, of small children with parents at candlelight vigils, now are grown..once where so small, not understanding grown with us..and still why?...
We honor all in this small way, as we are all forever changed, we never will forget, in a small way, silent, peacefull way...a candle shines for each today.(Artist Sarah Dueth)...(contact Patricia Hassey Allard)....
painting contact for showing in only washington,d.c., Nyc,NY, and Shanksville ,Pa..
all Patricia Hassey

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"A New Wave": Your favorite "Childhood treasure's"

"A New Wave": Your favorite "Childhood treasure's": In the world of antiquities, and collecting to selling..what is something that you have treasured, and have kept in your home's from your ch...

"A New Wave"my favorite's": "vintage favorite's, "odditie's and whimsey"

"A New Wave"my favorite's": "vintage favorite's, "odditie's and whimsey": "vintage is my "guilty pleasure" for my home..when i love something, i can always find a my ome for it..its never an impossibility...

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "WHEN CREATIVITY WORKS TOGETHER"*(Patricia Hassey ...

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "WHEN CREATIVITY WORKS TOGETHER"*(Patricia Hassey ...: "WHEN CREATIVITY WORKS TOGETHER"Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911 When words are never Enough"(amazing collab...

"WHEN CREATIVITY WORKS TOGETHER"*(Patricia Hassey (Allard)& Artist Sarah Dueth)

"WHEN CREATIVITY WORKS TOGETHER"Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911 When words are never Enough"(amazing collabar... : Artist Sarah Dueth, NY,N...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911 When words are never Enough"(amazing collabar...

Patricia Hassey (Allard) Arts/Antiquities/Artifacts Broker: "911 When words are never Enough"(amazing collabar...: Artist Sarah Dueth, NY,NY..vividly remembers 911...and what she felt...Patricia Hassey (Allard) Washington,D.C.,(artbroker) remembers 911 ...

"911 When words are never Enough"(amazing collabaration)

Artist Sarah Dueth, NY,NY..vividly remembers 911...and what she felt...Patricia Hassey (Allard) Washington,D.C.,(artbroker) remembers 911 vividly...working for over 4 months..together with thoughts..idea' convey a "vision"..of "Respect" and "Honor" to all those whom have lost their lives,family's,survivor's,hero's,soldier' this is the 10th Anniversary, of the most Horrific Crime, to so many innocent's..and to honor them with such respect, to honor each and every person whom worked tirelessly, at the sites, to the family's with their neverending grief...and to each person, whom gave so much, on that day...We have family's..our children are grown, so much has changed..and with Respect to each and every one affected..we present a preview...of a "miraculous" painting..